Get your FAN-BOX with gifts!

Get your FAN-BOX with gifts!

It’s simple! Show us how your Mulcher works! Publish a photo or video of your new SEPPI machine on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM tagging @seppimulcher.
Send us a private message with your contact details (name, surname, phone, email, shipping address) and the serial number of your machine, and we’ll send the Seppi FAN-BOX directly to your home!
The offer is valid for up to six months from the purchase of your new SEPPI, and ends on 31/12/2023. For customs reasons, the FAN-BOX will only be sent to EU countries and the USA, but regardless, we’d love to receive photos from all over the world.
By sending us the photos, you authorise SEPPI M. Spa to use the image in photos and audio and/or video recordings free of charge and without time limits, through the publication/dissemination, using any means of communication and/or paper and/or multimedia support deemed appropriate or necessary, such as websites, social media and other distribution channels.

Take a picture
1 . Take a picture or video of your SEPPI mulcher at work
Go ahead
Post your picture
2 . POST IT AND TAG @SeppiMulcher with hashtag #SeppiMulcherFan or send by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Go ahaed
Get your box
3 . DONE! Get your SEPPI Fan-box!
Via Trento, 111
T 0461 178 75 00
F 0471 962 547